New "Save the Mole" cmapaign is a new site for fans wishing to sign a petition to save the mole. Jim's original petition has had about 20,000 views, so go to this one and sign up!
The Mole II is a new site for fans wishing to sign a petition to save the mole. Jim's original petition has had about 20,000 views, so go to this one and sign up!
Ah, a good season! Congratulations to Mark and to Craig! As I've noted several times, any of the final three could have been the Mole and I would not have been surprised. Mark actually threw me off because he was so smart and got answers so readily. I just thought he had to have been given some of those answers!
Folks, please go to and sign the petition to bring the mole back next season!
OK, to start with, the last 3 weeks have just been outstanding, with outstanding games. Tonight's games were both excellent and fun to watch; the bomb game was the best yet. If the entire season measured up to the last 3 weeks, I think the viewership would be up markedly.
For all of you who would like to write ABC about keeping The Mole alive, contact ABC at:
Folks, several of you have asked me how to buy my book, Reflections of the Mole. Not a problem. will get you to the web site to order it. I'll sign it, and add any personal message you desire to it.